Photo by: Christina Ruth
During the pandemic, I took a vigorous figure-drawing class that consisted of 1-minute poses for 3 hours. I finished an entire notebook with sketches. That was one class, and I had 4 more to go. I played around using different materials; newspapers, pool filters, etc. I then realized all the used tea bags that were piling up next to my mom’s tea mug. We’re Turkish, so she goes through a lot of tea bags throughout the day. So instead of it going to waste, I took her used tea bags and started drawing on them. I use walnut ink, as it is close to the colour of tea. I then started sewing them together, creating bigger pieces, sort of like blankets. My tea bag exploration is an ongoing project.

Photos by Christina Ruth

Dear father, I hope you are well Wherever you are, thank you for your gift Love, Your son